Academic Handbook

Site: National Institute eLearning Site
Course: National Institute eLearning Site
Book: Academic Handbook
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Date: Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 6:34 PM

1. Welcome from the principal

Welcome to the National Institute for Christian Education. I trust that your engagement with us encourages and equips you as a Christian educator. The National Institute is the teacher education arm of Christian Education National and is a teaching agent for Alphacrucis University College (which maintains government accreditation for postgraduate courses). We are governed by the National Board of CEN.

As a teaching agent of Alphacrucis, we affirm the values and Statement of Faith of the university college. Our subjects of study are based on a reformational philosophy which acknowledges Christ’s sovereignty over all of life. As you study with the Institute, you will be encouraged to affirm insights from many sources, appreciating God’s common grace, as well as discerning clashes in worldview assumptions, appreciating the antithesis that undergirds ideas either in worship of God or a god substitute. An expanded version of our approach is found on the NICE website under About: Who are we? and What do we believe?

You will experience rigorous academic study but also exciting paradigm-shifting engagement that we trust will leave you transformed! We are glad you have chosen to study with us!

Dr Fiona Partridge 

2. Who Are We?

The National Institute for Christian Education is the training institute for Christian Education National (CEN). Although its key focus is to help teachers develop in their capacity to educate from a biblical perspective, the Institute also works with the other members of school communities–parents, administration staff, Board members, and students.

The National Institute was formed in the early 1990s following the influential operation based at Mt Evelyn Christian School called the Institute of Christian Education. Christian Education National has always been committed to a robust philosophical engagement with education from a Christian viewpoint and of the need to facilitate deep reflection by practising teachers who had generally trained in secular institutions. It was deemed necessary to obtain government accreditation for courses of study taught by the Institute for credibility and rigour. In partnership with the Institute of Christian Tertiary Education (ICTE)1 the College of Christian Higher Education (CCHE) was formed, which subsequently gained accreditation with the NSW Department of Higher Education for a number of postgraduate courses.

When the vehicle of CCHE became unacceptable to government regulations, the accreditation was transferred to Morling College Ltd (MCL) and the Institute continued to develop and deliver its courses through a third party agreement with MCL. In 2018, we entered into a new accreditation arrangement with Alphacrucis College (AC). Alphacrucis was awarded University College status in 2022. Our third party agreement with AC will allow for the expansion of our education offerings through undergraduate courses as well as MPhil and PhD degrees in the future.

Currently teachers (or in fact, any eligible community member such as a business manager or board member) can study with the Institute towards a fully accredited MEd, MEd(Leadership) degree or, a Graduate Certificate of Education or a Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership) that is shaped by the biblically grounded philosophy of Christian Education National.

The Institute’s courses are offered mostly online with virtual classes of students around Australia and the globe relating via class forums with a qualified tutor. The Institute also offers supplementary face to face seminars to assist students in the distance learning process by arrangement with AC. Assessment is made through assignments that have direct applicability to the students’ day to day pedagogical tasks. See also NICE@School.

The National Institute however, is more than a provider of postgraduate education programs. It is the repository and guardian of the intellectual capital of Christian Education National–the fruits of scholarly endeavour in the cause of Christian education for over fifty years. Although there is a CEN / NICE national office and resource centre based in New South Wales the Institute is spread throughout the national and international Christian education community. Qualified lecturers, tutors and educators are located around Australia and in various parts of the world.

The Institute has produced resources, books, and a journal; develops and delivers courses for professional learning; facilitates an educators’ professional body; contributes to educational debate; encourages educational research; and engages in tertiary collegial interchange. The related journal publication is titled the Christian Teachers Journal. Information about subscriptions can be found here.

The National Institute is committed helping people to think, act and teach in ways that take seriously the public truth of the Christian gospel and its implications for all of life.




[1] ICTE trading as Southland College was the teacher training arm of Christian Community Schools

2.1. Accreditation Status

The National Institute for Christian Education has a Third Party Arrangement with Alphacrucis University College (AC) for the delivery and accreditation of our Education courses. Alphacrucis education degrees are nationally and internationally recognised, and accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

This Academic Handbook will cover course information and student services, resources, and facilities available from AC and/or the National Institute (the Third Party). It will include all necessary information for National Institute for Christian Education (NICE) students, such as: key dates, Moodle instructions (the electronic student management system for course access), study resources and assistance, student support, student rights and responsibilities, mobility, credit, assessment, and academic progress.

Please see AC’s Higher Education Third Party Arrangement Implementation and Administration Policy for more information on the implementation of this accreditation arrangement.


This Academic Handbook mainly notes the significant differences with AC’s Policies and Procedures. Therefore, referral to the AC portfolio is essential: ( and

2.2. What Do We Believe?

The National Institute has a strong biblical statement of belief which affirms the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. Being an educational institution however, the National Institute is particularly interested in what the biblical narrative teaches about knowledge, humanity, creation, and culture.

We believe that all knowledge comes from God - or, as Arthur Holmes put it, “All truth is God’s truth”1. God is good to all and enables all kinds of people to discern truth from engagement with His creation. We therefore honour learning and insights from a range of sources. We also believe that the true, coherent meaning of knowledge is only found in Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the Bible. Furthermore, we believe that in our natural state people suppress the coherence of knowledge found in Christ and worship a god substitute. The ultimate faith in humanity is a common example.

We believe that human beings have great dignity due to their creation as God’s image bearers; that we were created to develop and care for the world God made; to reflect God’s character and to be in relationship with Him. We believe that humanity has rejected this relationship, image, and task and, in seeking to be God, we have disowned our dignity and become enslaved to falsehood. We believe that this image is perfectly restored in the historic person of Jesus and progressively in those committed to Him.

We believe that creation is everything that exists, apart from God, that everything was created according to God’s will and that it was “very good”. Although God’s hand can still be discerned in the order and beauty of creation, the world is not as it was meant to be. Because of human refusal to submit to God’s authority and rule as His representative, the creation has been given over to frustration and groaning. We believe, however that creation is still loved by its maker and is being restored through the obedient sacrifice of Jesus. We look towards and teach in the light of the new creation.

We believe that human culture is a part of God’s creation. The inherent dignity of humanity is that we have the task of ordering God’s world as we develop culture. In our natural state, despite God’s sustaining goodness, we develop culture in disobedient ways, reflecting the worship of god substitutes. And yet as part of God’s creation, we look towards the renewal of culture and seek to engage with it in the light of God’s ordering purposes as our minds are progressively renewed in the likeness of Jesus.

These biblical beliefs guide our scholarly endeavours as we exercise our task as a rigorous tertiary education institution. We acknowledge that our best efforts are tainted with compromise and ignorance and yet we are bold to proclaim that the National Institute seeks to celebrate the Lordship of Christ over all creation as we engage with the whole of the Bible for the whole of life.

[1] Holmes, A (1977) All truth is God’s truth. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.


Take the time to explore Alphacrucis University College's website and learn more about what they believe.

2.3. Faculty and Staff

Click here for introduction of Staff and Teaching Faculty

Click here for theses from faculty

3. Admissions

Postgraduate Education Courses Offered

The National Institute offers the following courses


Admissions Criteria

All prospective students should be a graduate of a four-year Bachelor's degree in education or equivalent, or the equivalent degree and a Diploma or Certificate in Education. OR

Be a graduate of an AQF Level 8 or above postgraduate degree.


International students must show results of the International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) of 7.0, with a score of not less than 6.5 in any of the four skill areas, or equivalent.


NOTE: It is possible to commence study through the Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership) having completed a bachelor’s degree in any field plus two years professional experience relevant to the field of Education. This is particularly useful for Board members or others who are assisting in leadership of their school. Upon completion of the 4 core subjects, you may transfer into the MEd(L).


Application Procedure

Applicants should complete the Online Application Form through the National Institute Enrolment Portal at:

The following supporting documents should be sent to:

- Academic transcripts

- Proof of Citizenship (or national Identification)

- Pastoral and professional referees (for non-CEN school employees)

Please consult the Alphacrucis Academic Handbook Admissions section for further information on:

  • Alphacrucis Admission Policy
  • Admission Policy Withdrawal of Offer to Study by AC
  • Higher Education Provisional Entry Policy
  • Provider Default
  • Student Card Application Form

3.1. Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning

Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning

Up to a maximum two thirds of Advanced Standing (Credit) may be given for courses completed elsewhere, which may also include recognition for professional experience.

Please read the AC Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

Use this Application for Advanced Standing/Recognition of Prior Learning. It must be applied for at the time of course application.

Students Transferring with Completed Units from Morling College

AC generated academic transcripts will show Advanced Standing ‘AS’ for the result of any Morling College units completed. Students will need to officially request Transcripts from Morling College, at cost, in order to keep a formal copy of their past unit results. Note, numerical value of subjects may be different to AC. For example, the subjects studied under Morling will show a credit point of 9, however when you receive your official Transcript from AC it will show 10 credit points. 

Tuition Scholarships

Refer to directly to the Principal for application or approval of a Scholarship. Approval is on a case-by-case basis and only in exceptional circumstances.

The Giants Bursary

 In recent years we have lost the following “giants”:

  • Dr Stuart Fowler – a man of significant influence both in Australia and overseas particular around the shaping of tertiary study into CE. He was instrumental in the shaping of our own National Institute.
  • Harro Van Brummelen – a Canadian educator who spent time presenting to us in Australia. His books; Walking with God in the Classroom and Stepping Stones to Curriculum were both reference books for our National Institute core units. Many of our schools have found them highly valuable.
  • Gloria Goris Stronks – a Canadian educator who had a great impact on many of our schools through her work with Dr Doug Blomberg. Their book, Vision with a Task, has been instrumental in the shaping of a biblically grounded classroom for a long time. Gloria also spoke strongly into a Christian approach to middle schooling in the 80s and 90s and championed an integral approach to curriculum.
  • Martin Hanscamp – most recently, our own Marty, an actual giant. Martin served as a teacher, Deputy and Principal in Christian schools and was also the ED of the Australian Association of Christian Schools. Martin coordinated and authored a number of CEN resources including: Transformation by Design 1 & 2Christian Schools as Community, Head Heart Hand, Can’t You Get Your Act Together and Transformational Education (this is a MECS resource and has been translated into Spanish and French).

CEN would like to develop a way of honouring these giants and the impact that they have had on Christian education past and present. Just because they have passed on to glory with their Father in heaven doesn’t mean that their influence has stopped. In fact, we are so blessed to have their ideas and thoughts in the pages of the resources that we own and have access to.

The Giants Bursary is a way to honour these folk by encouraging teachers, board members and other staff to study with the National Institute. Individuals and / or schools are encouraged to complete application forms that can be accessed through the CEN website. Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to study two core units with the National Institute (within one calendar year). There are a total of four units available, so two students would be selected from the applications. The National Institute Principal and CEN CEO will determine the successful applicants.
The students will also have an obligation, as part of the bursary, to provide a report (verbal or written) of their school context and the impact of their learning through the National Institute.

Previous: Admissions

3.2. Enrolment

Enrolment Policy

Please read the AC Enrolment Policy closely in order to fully understand the subject enrolment guidelines.

An enrolment needs to be completed online each Semester a Subject is to be studied. Enrolment is completed through the online enrolment form:

Change of Personal Details

If students change their address or name or email they are required to update their profile on the Student Database at

It is difficult for the Institute to effectively communicate important information with students if the correspondence details we have been provided are out of date. The National Institute will accept no responsibility if official communication does not reach a student who has failed to notify a change of name, address or email.

Course Transfer

Students wishing to transfer courses should fill out the Transfer of Course Form (for current students) and submit it to the National Institute Academic Administration Coordinator as a scanned attachment to an email. 

Leave of Absence

While students have up to seven years to complete the eight subjects in their Masters' course, the National Institute and Alphacrucis College expect students to be studying on a regular basis. Please read the current AC Leave of Absence Policy carefully. 

If you will not be returning to study for up to a period of one year, please submit this Leave of Absence request form (for current students) to the NICE Academic Administration Coordinator.

Changing Enrolment or Withdrawing Enrolment

Students wanting to change their enrolment in a specific subject after their initial nomination, should complete an Enrolment Variation Form (for current students) and submit it to the National Institute Academic Administration Coordinator either by post, or as a scanned attachment to an email.

Students withdrawing from a Subject before the Census Date of the Semester receive a full refund of fees paid. The student’s enrolment in the Subject is removed from the records and it will not appear on the student’s transcript. Access to Moodle will be cancelled. 

Changes may be made up to 4pm on the Census Date applicable to the subject in question.

Students withdrawing after the Census Date will not receive a refund of their fees and will be liable for the full cost of the subject. Please make yourself aware of the ‘Census Date’ at the very beginning of the semester. An academic penalty of “F” or “FW” will be applied in this circumstance. 

Please note that no changes can be made to your enrolment after the Census Date unless in exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional Circumstances Withdrawal

If there are exceptional circumstances around a withdrawal after the Census Date a written request (application form) needs to be sent to the National Institute Student Affairs Committee (SAC) via email to or the Program Director, seeking a refund and detailing the exceptional circumstances.  A full or pro-rata refund may be made in such cases.

A refund may be granted to a student who makes changes to, or withdraws from a subject, after Census Date, provided evidence is supplied that the student had ceased attendance by the Census Date, and was unable to notify NICE for reasons beyond his or her control.

 An application will only be considered where NICE is satisfied that the circumstances were:

  • beyond the student's control, and
  • did not make their full impact on the student until on or after the Census Date, and
  • were such that it was impracticable for the student to complete their units(s) of study requirements.

Please note, special circumstances do not include a lack of knowledge or understanding of the census dates or NICE/AC's enrolment and withdrawal processes. Also, if a student withdraws from a unit after the census date because they changed their mind about studying, the student is still required to repay their debt for that unit(s).

If a withdrawal after Census Date is approved by SAC, a 'Late Withdrawal' will be noted on the transcript.

Study Loads and Delivery Options

Full-Time Study Load

Full-time enrolment is officially 40 credit points per semester (which is usually 4 subjects per semester in any delivery mode.) Theoretically, a National Institute student could complete their entire Master’s course in one year through full-time study, although there are some pre-requisite subjects to be met.

Domestic students can be classified as full-time when they are enrolled in 30 credit points or more per semester. 

International students in Australia are required to maintain a full-time enrolment, with 75% of their enrolment as Intensives, Extensives or Weekly delivery modes and only 25% of their enrolment via the Moodle eLearning Online delivery mode.

Part-Time Study Load

Part-time enrolment is 20 credit points or less per semester (which is two subjects or less per semester in any delivery mode.) Usually all National Institute students are considered to be studying part-time.

Subject Delivery Options

Delivery is usually by online distance learning, supported by lecturer class zoom sessions.

By arrangement other delivery options can include

  • Intensive - 5 days of classes scheduled in a one-two week block
  • Extensive - 5 separate days of classes scheduled across the teaching period
  • Weekly - weekly 3 hour face to face classes scheduled during the teaching period
  • Moodle eLearning Online Platform - class material is prepared and presented in an online format via our online learning platform for a student to access during a teaching period 

For further information, please visit Alphacrucis Policy on Student Workload

What is NICE@School?

The National Institute has worked with Alphacrucis University College in our third party agreement to develop a model of study we believe can assist educators to get started on their Masters of Education or Grad Certificate professional learning journey. NICE@School study allows educators to develop their skills in the classroom and or in leadership as they study, finding the course content engaging, relevant, and manageable as practitioners.

Specifically, the NICE@School model allows the National Institute to bring the Masters of Education / Masters of Education (Leadership) / Grad Certificate to educators on site and or at home. In addition to having a longer study period, and embedding study into school practice, the online content will be supported with a number of live sessions facilitated by an allocated experienced NICE lecturer. Delivered may be through set face-to-face study group sessions, or via scheduled zoom classrooms to suit the school calendar and context. Participants (students) will have full access to the extensive online study materials to work through in their own time or with colleagues. 

School sites can register a local NICE@School cohort of five or more students, or combine with other state-based school cohorts to study NICE@School together, with an allocated lecturer and customized Study Schedule.

3.3. Calendar and Schedule of Subjects Offered

Click below for the calendar:


The annual National Institute Study Calendar is available here, outlining key dates including the start / finish of each semester.


Click below for the list of subjects offered each semester:

Schedule of Subjects Offered

4. Fees and Tuition

Payment of Fees

2024 Fees per Subject (10 credit points)

Domestic: AUD$2430.00

International: AUD$2730.00

Please see the current AC Fees, Payments and Tuition Assurance Policy

The National Institute also requires that students pay promptly. The invoice is payable by the end of Week 1 of the Semester. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact our Business Manager and finance team ( immediately.  

Results will not be available for students in arrears, and such students will not be permitted to proceed into a new semester or to graduate. If you will have problems paying for a subject within the first two weeks of the semester, please consider using FEE-HELP.

NOTE: Schools may arrange to be invoiced for students by special arrangement. Some schools allow payment plans. Speak to your site leader.


FEE-HELP is available to students who are Australian or New Zealand citizens or those who hold a Permanent Residency Visa and have a tax file number. For more information about FEE- Help go to

FEE-HELP applies to the Course entered into and is not transferrable when transferring courses. It is helpful if students advise of their intention to use FEE-HELP during the Application process or as early as possible at the first enrolment.

If a student wishes to use FEE-HELP they should select FEE-HELP during the application/enrolment process. The student will then be sent information from Alphacrucis University College to complete the FEE-HELP process online. This needs to be completed before the enrolment period closes.


Student Engagement

A Student Engagement Form is submitted to Alphacrucis University College in Week 3 of each Semester. Alphacrucis requires evidence of commitment to the subject to avoid the risk of students not understanding their commitments, including costs, as part of our third party agreement. This is especially important for FEE-HELP students.


Financial Concession

Many Christian Education National (CEN) schools are willing to assist their staff financially in their studies because they recognise the value to the school of such study. However, this is a matter between the students and their school to negotiate.



IF a refund of fees is applicable and/or requested, it will be refunded directly from the National Institute for Christian Education without the need to complete AC's Online Refund Request Form. 

Please see AC Refund Policy

Special International Fees for Eligible Educators

Please contact

5. Studying Online

All units are delivered online through the Moodle eLearning Portal at the National Institute Online ( Upon your first enrolment, a Moodle account will be created and an automatic email with student’s username and temporary password will be sent to you. If you do not receive this email, then please contact the National Institute Academic Administration Coordinator.

Access to unit material via the National Institute eLearning Portal will be given to students approximately one week to five days before the Semester starts.

To familiarise yourself with Moodle and what is expected of you as a student in Postgraduate Education please click on the link titled, Student Information Centre. This topic gives you important resources to assist you in your time of study at the National Institute.

To access the subject you are enrolled in for the semester, click on the unit title. You should only see the subjects you are enrolled in for the Semester. If you have access to the wrong unit or cannot see the subject listed, then please contact the National Institute Academic Administration Coordinator immediately so this problem can be corrected.

Within each subject you will find a link to biographical information on your lecturer, a link to the subject outline, and a link to the text and readings page. Ensure you follow these links immediately.

You will also find a semester schedule and resources that will assist you in your study on the subject’s Moodle home page.

Visit the Student Information Centre for links to library databases and many other resources. Within your subject you will find a series of tutorials that you should read according to the Suggested Study Schedule. Please read through each tutorial carefully, following the instructions for reflection and working together with the subject outline for the assignments.

Your lecturer will offer online Video classrooms as available. See the link in your subject page to access the online class link (if set by your lecturer) and any past recordings for your class / study period.

Assessments are submitted to the Lecturer by uploading them onto Moodle, via Turnitin software.

The lecturer is available to help and assist you with your study, so please email any questions you may have about your study to the lecturer. For technical issues please contact the National Institute Academic Administration Coordinator at

6. Assessment

Submission of Assessments

All assignments must be electronically submitted through Moodle, our eLearning platform by the due date specified by the course coordinator (usually the date on the Suggested Study Schedule).

Students are to take care when uploading assignments to Moodle, ensuring they submit the correct document in the correct format (Word document unless otherwise specified) for marking. Assignments submitted electronically cannot be amended at a later date. With this in mind, email requests from students, to include any such assignment amendments, will NOT be considered.

Please read and abide by the current AC Assessment Policy.

Expectations on Assessments

Please note that at Master’s level students should demonstrate higher levels of engagement with bodies of scholarly knowledge than is required at Bachelor level. The assessment criteria within the outline of each subject and in the rubrics for each assessment in the Moodle eLearning Platform are used as the basis for assessing assignments. Please refer to these and follow them closely.

6.1. Preparation and Submission of Assessments

Preparation and Submission of Assessments

General Submission Guidelines

  • Students must submit all assessments for the unit.
  • Students should always keep a copy of their assessment.
  • All assessments are to be formatted as specified below:
    • Pages should be numbered in the footer and the student’s name and assessment details should appear in the header.
    • APA 7th edition referencing style to be used for assessments. Generally, no footnotes are used.
    • Essays should be in portrait orientation with 2.54 cm margins all round and double spacing. 12-point font (Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri are preferred)
    • Each line typed is a maximum of 16.51cm in length. Use the flush left style and do not justify lines. Words should not be divided at the end of a line and the hyphenation function should not be used. The first line of a paragraph should be indented.
    • Units of work, lesson plans etc. should be in landscape orientation and 10-point font or a slightly smaller font may be used if necessary to fit in the information.
    • Upload the assignment in MS Word format onto Moodle.
    • Avoid use of we and our, for example: “we believe that . . .”   Also, use the designation "I" in academic writing appropriately: when you are deliberately expressing a personal opinion.



A reference list is a list of all in-text references used in the document. APA 7th edition referencing format must be used which means generally no footnotes. Arrange the reference list in alphabetical order by the author’s last name or, if there is no author, by the first main word of the title.

A bibliography is a list of sources used in compiling a document. Normally the assignment will indicate if a bibliography is to be supplied, otherwise it is expected that a list of references will be given, set out according to the Style Guide / APA7.

Many resources are available in the Student Information Centre and online to help students master APA7 format.



Quotations are exact words taken from any published or unpublished material. In general, you should use direct quotations judiciously in your written work. As a rule of thumb direct quotation should make up less than 15% of an assignment. However, throughout your assignment you are expected to paraphrase the work of many scholars and attribute that paraphrased section to them, without including a specific page number (for example, “Scott (2014) notes that...”). Your writing should be very little of your own opinion but based on many scholarly articles, substantiated by relevant literature.

Direct quotations should only be used where:

  • rewording the quote in any way would substantially alter its meaning, or
  • the quote is phrased in such an elegant manner that rephrasing it would destroy its substantive literary quality.

Quotations can also be used to give a definition of technical or key words/concepts or to restate or elaborate a main idea or generalisation.



Submitted assessments go through Turnitin. This is an internet based service that helps detects plagiarism through a similarity report.

6.2. Extensions and Late Assessments

The dates indicated on the Suggested Study Schedule within each subject online are generally the date on which an assignment is due.


For circumstances involving less than 7 days please make these arrangements directly with your lecturer. In the case of longer extensions of an assessment, or at the end of the semester, please complete the Request for Extension form (for current students) that can be found in the Student Information Centre.

Extensions of more than seven (7) days after the assessment deadline will only be granted on the following grounds where supporting documentation is provided (for example, doctor's certificate, death certificate, or letter from psychologist):

1) Medical illness; 2) Extreme hardship; 3) Compassionate grounds; 4) Faculty supervised project amendment.


Late Assessments

Students are expected to submit work by the due date. Students who do not do this without an extension or unavoidable disruption are liable to receive a zero mark for that assessment. Variations of this policy may be appropriate for particular subjects or units, if indicated in the subject outline.


Unavoidable Disruption

Where a student is prevented from submitting an assessment or from applying for an extension because of an unavoidable disruption, the student shall report the circumstances in writing (supported by a medical certificate or other relevant evidence) by no later than seven days after the assessment deadline. This should be sent directly to

6.3. Grades


Student performance will be graded as follows:



HD       High Distinction         85% - 100%

D         Distinction                  75% - 84%      

Cr        Credit                         65% - 74%      

P          Pass                          50% - 64%*

F          Fail                            < 50% 


Status Notations

LW               =           Late Withdrawal (only special circumstances)

IP                 =           In Progress (subject still being taught)

E                  =           Extension approved

I                    =          Incomplete (with no approved extension)

W                  =          Withdrawal without penalty

CW               =          Withdrawal without penalty on compassionate grounds

AD                =          Audited

AS                =          Advanced Standing


Grades are not only awarded on the basis of good content, but also for good critical thinking and expression. If you have any queries as to how your grade was awarded, then contact your lecturer.

Please refer also to the AC Grading Policy, the Assessment Policy and the Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy.

6.4. Failed Assessments or Subjects

Students are not required to pass every item of assessment for a course, but must achieve a cumulative mark of at least 50% overall to pass. Students who fail to achieve 50% overall in a subject receive a permanent "Fail" result on their transcript.

If a student wishes to re-sit the subject, they will be required to pay full fees, attend all classes, and re-submit all assessment work. This may only occur once. If a student wishes to re-sit a unit a third time, they must apply to the National Institute principal in writing, demonstrating either extenuating personal circumstances or failure of due process, under the conditions of the Alphacucis University College’s Appeal regulations.

7. Responsibility of Lecturers

The lecturer should mark and grade the assignment, record the grade in the eLearning Portal and upload any comments or evaluation. This should be completed within 2 weeks of the assessment being submitted.


Lecturers planning to award a High Distinction or Fail for an assignment will generally ask for an additional lecturer to cross-mark the assignment.

8. Course Progression, Conduct, Special Provisions and Disabilities Support

Course Progression

Students are expected to be making consistent and successful progress on their studies. The National Institute staff aim to support students and assist them to fully participate and succeed in their studies. 

Go to AC Course Progression Policy to read about what constitutes satisfactory course progression.

Student Conduct

All National Institute students must be familiar with the AC Code of Conduct Policy.

Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures for National Institute Staff and Students

The National Institute adheres to the Alphacrucis University College Academic Misconduct Policy.

This policy outlines what is meant by Academic Misconduct (including plagiarism), and how this may lead to students being excluded from studying at NICE/AC. The policy also details when an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy will be implemented to assist a student who is identified as being at risk of failing and not progressing successfully with their studies. 

For the full Alphacrucis University College policy, see

The National Institute distinguishes between plagiarism which has occurred from negligence on the part of a faculty member or student (minor), and that which is dishonest (major).

  • Minor plagiarism is defined as uninformed omissions of details, which are minor in nature and by themselves are unlikely to alter the student's overall grade (e.g. omissions of a limited number of referencing details or incorrect referencing details). Education and rehabilitation are the preferred course of action.
  • Major plagiarism is defined as an attempt to circumvent assessment requirements by drawing on unacknowledged sources in such a way as to improve the grade, strengthen the research project or publish a piece of work.

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action for academic misconduct will be taken in accordance with the following principles:

  • allegations will be dealt with promptly by the lecturer with the student directly;
  • processes will be transparent and in accordance with procedural fairness;
  • penalties will be appropriate and proportionate;
  • judgements of intentionality will be considered in determining any penalty
  • confidentiality will be respected and maintained by all parties within the constraints of allegation, investigation and appeal processes, subject to any legal requirements for disclosure;
  • anyone accused of academic misconduct has the opportunity to respond and/or appeal decisions, according to the Complaint and Grievance Resolution Policy;
  • staff involved in misconduct or appeals processes will disclose actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest as soon as they become aware of them.


A preventative approach is taken - students are asked to read the full AC Academic Misconduct policy to realise the seriousness of academic integrity.

Students are required to submit electronic assessment tasks through the plagiarism detection software via Moodle, Turnitin and can use Turnitin to practise their writing/referencing skills, gaining feedback via the software before the due date and final submission.

Note: Students are required to submit the Assessment Cover Page with each task, signing the disclaimer stating that (where otherwise acknowledged) the material submitted in assignments is their own.

Procedures in cases of academic misconduct:

First Offence scope: will be recorded on the National Institute’s Academic Misconduct Register

    • If the academic misconduct appears unintentional or minor, generally the supervisor/lecturer interviews the student to identify the problem and provide assistance in understanding the Institute’s policy on academic misconduct (including the consequences of a further offence). This is not a disciplinary matter.
    • If unintentional academic misconduct was substantial, the supervisor or lecturer will note this on the NICE Academic Misconduct Register. This is not a penalty, it is simply so that if the candidate or student does it again, the Institute is aware that it is a repeat offence.
    • If the supervisor/lecturer believes the student was aware that this constitutes academic misconduct and that it was substantial, the supervisor/lecturer must report the matter to the Program Director and the candidate/student may be placed on Academic Intervention.

  • First Offence Penalty: Supervisors/coursework lecturers will undertake the following actions:
    • provide a written warning to the candidate/student;
    • provide additional counselling or tutoring if required;
    • resubmission or revision of the assessment item in relation to which misconduct occurred by a specified date. If the candidate/student was aware they were committing plagiarism, they may be allowed to rewrite the assessment for a chance to receive no more than 50% of the mark on the assessment component where misconduct was evident;
    • depending on the extent and severity of the case: 0% for the assessment component, or fail the entire subject.
  • Second Offence Penalty: This will be reported to the Program Director and recorded on the NICE Academic Misconduct Register. Depending on the severity of the academic misconduct, this may include:
    • a requirement for the candidate/student to receive counselling or tutoring;
    • candidate/student receives 0% to 50% of mark, on the assessment component where misconduct was evident;
    • the candidate/student may be allowed to write an assessment on a new topic for a chance to receive no more than 50% of the mark, on the assessment component where misconduct was evident;
    • failure in the entire subject or research project;
    • suspension for one or two semesters;
    • exclusion from the Institute.
  • Third Offence Penalty: This should be reported by the Program Director to the Institute Principal and recorded on the NICE Academic Misconduct Register. Depending on the severity of the academic misconduct, this may include:
    • failure in the entire subject or research project,
    • suspension for one or two semesters,
    • exclusion from the Institute.


Exclusion from a Course

It is possible that in certain circumstances a student may be excluded from a course. Please read the Alphacrucis University College Exclusion from a Course or Subject policy to understand more.

Special Provisions and Disabilities Support

The National Institute for Christian Education adopts the policies and approach of its accrediting body, Alphacrucis University College in supporting the participation of students with disabilities. The Institute is committed to ensuring there is accessibility of online (digital) information and resources for all students and staff.

Students with special needs may receive assistance for learning and assessment, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Students seeking adjustments are required to complete the Disability Support Registration form which can be accessed here.

Students applying for special consideration need to provide a statement from a health professional about their disability or illness, which also provides recommendations. Students will then talk with the Principal to discuss issues of accommodation, which will then be submitted to the Student Affairs Committee for approval.

For more information please read the Alphacrucis University College Accessibility and Disability Policy here.

The Moodle online learning platform has a number of features to support students requiring visual and auditory support. Specific information about Moodle and the accessibility options can be found here:

For further information concerning any of the above, please contact Student Services at


9. Study Skills and Library Resources

Alphacrucis College (AC) has made available to all students a self-enrol study skills site in Moodle. We advise all students to check it out to freshen up their study skills as they begin their studies. It can be found at Study Skills at Alphacrucis.

Likewise, all National Institute students have access to the Library resources of Alphacrucis University College Library as well as the National Institute Library. All materials used in the subjects taught in our courses are available for lending upon request. 

10. Graduation

Graduation is an exciting time - well deserved after many months or years of hard work. We trust that your time of study has been truly transformational both in your professional and in your personal life. The overall National Institute Course outcomes have all also been pointing towards the Graduate Attributes as laid out by Alphacrucis University College.

Students are responsible to ensure they have fulfilled all requirements of the course within the set time limit in order to qualify for graduation for the award. It is also the responsibility of the student to notify the National Institute that they have met the requirements for graduation. Student should use the Graduation Notification form at the end of each Subject in Moodle that is updated each year.

Please read the Alphacrucis UC Graduation Policy for more information regarding eligibility and awards. 

It is advised that the testamur and transcripts are kept in a safe place. Replacement of lost testamurs and transcripts will be done directly through Alphacrucis University College Registry Office, according to the policies and procedures on their website.

11. International Students

The National Institute for Christian Education is happy to consider applications from students in other countries. Please see the Admissions Criteria to ensure that you are eligible to apply for our postgraduate courses. 

Since our courses are mainly online, we are unable to accept international students living in Australia and requiring a student visa. Alphacrucis University College has other courses that may be available for you at this time. Please see their policies for International Students.

12. Privacy, Freedom of Information, and Academic Records

The National Institute will abide by the Alphacrucis Intellectual Property Policy in regards to all active students. 

As a student of Alphacrucis University College, your personal information and academic records will be lodged with them and the National Institute will abide by the regulations governing the Freedom of Information Act. 

Alphacrucis University College will receive applications under the NSW Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act). You must apply in writing and you must say you are applying under the FOI Act. You must also pay a small application fee. FOI requests are made through the Vice President Academic.

13. Grievances and Appeals

Our sincere desire is that your educational experience be of the highest quality and honour God in every way. However, as fallen individuals, issues may occasionally arise that need special attention. Our preference is that any grievance would be discussed and resolved in a personal and biblical manner directly with the person or persons concerned. If further assistance is needed please contact the National Institute principal, Dr Fiona Partridge, to discuss other options for resolving the issue.

Alternatively, if you have need for further resolution please fill out this online form and you will be contacted to set up a meeting or work towards a satisfactory solution. 

Please also see these related policies:

14. Contact Information

For subject content-related questions, please first contact your lecturer who will be happy to help resolve any questions about your current subject, including assessments and timelines. Please refer to the Moodle eLearning platform for your lecturer's email address.

For course information (i.e. academic advice, etc.) please contact the National Institute principal, Dr Fiona Partridge at For academic administration queries, please contact Sarah Wright (Academic Administration Coordinator) at

For student welfare support contact Dr Fiona Partridge (Student Counsellor) at

National Institute For Christian Education
Telephone: 61 2 4773 5888



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