8. Course Progression, Conduct, Special Provisions and Disabilities Support

Course Progression

Students are expected to be making consistent and successful progress on their studies. The National Institute staff aim to support students and assist them to fully participate and succeed in their studies. 

Go to AC Course Progression Policy to read about what constitutes satisfactory course progression.

Student Conduct

All National Institute students must be familiar with the AC Code of Conduct Policy.

Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures for National Institute Staff and Students

The National Institute adheres to the Alphacrucis University College Academic Misconduct Policy.

This policy outlines what is meant by Academic Misconduct (including plagiarism), and how this may lead to students being excluded from studying at NICE/AC. The policy also details when an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy will be implemented to assist a student who is identified as being at risk of failing and not progressing successfully with their studies. 

For the full Alphacrucis University College policy, see https://www.ac.edu.au/ppm/assessment-policy/

The National Institute distinguishes between plagiarism which has occurred from negligence on the part of a faculty member or student (minor), and that which is dishonest (major).

  • Minor plagiarism is defined as uninformed omissions of details, which are minor in nature and by themselves are unlikely to alter the student's overall grade (e.g. omissions of a limited number of referencing details or incorrect referencing details). Education and rehabilitation are the preferred course of action.
  • Major plagiarism is defined as an attempt to circumvent assessment requirements by drawing on unacknowledged sources in such a way as to improve the grade, strengthen the research project or publish a piece of work.

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action for academic misconduct will be taken in accordance with the following principles:

  • allegations will be dealt with promptly by the lecturer with the student directly;
  • processes will be transparent and in accordance with procedural fairness;
  • penalties will be appropriate and proportionate;
  • judgements of intentionality will be considered in determining any penalty
  • confidentiality will be respected and maintained by all parties within the constraints of allegation, investigation and appeal processes, subject to any legal requirements for disclosure;
  • anyone accused of academic misconduct has the opportunity to respond and/or appeal decisions, according to the Complaint and Grievance Resolution Policy;
  • staff involved in misconduct or appeals processes will disclose actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest as soon as they become aware of them.


A preventative approach is taken - students are asked to read the full AC Academic Misconduct policy to realise the seriousness of academic integrity.

Students are required to submit electronic assessment tasks through the plagiarism detection software via Moodle, Turnitin and can use Turnitin to practise their writing/referencing skills, gaining feedback via the software before the due date and final submission.

Note: Students are required to submit the Assessment Cover Page with each task, signing the disclaimer stating that (where otherwise acknowledged) the material submitted in assignments is their own.

Procedures in cases of academic misconduct:

First Offence scope: will be recorded on the National Institute’s Academic Misconduct Register

    • If the academic misconduct appears unintentional or minor, generally the supervisor/lecturer interviews the student to identify the problem and provide assistance in understanding the Institute’s policy on academic misconduct (including the consequences of a further offence). This is not a disciplinary matter.
    • If unintentional academic misconduct was substantial, the supervisor or lecturer will note this on the NICE Academic Misconduct Register. This is not a penalty, it is simply so that if the candidate or student does it again, the Institute is aware that it is a repeat offence.
    • If the supervisor/lecturer believes the student was aware that this constitutes academic misconduct and that it was substantial, the supervisor/lecturer must report the matter to the Program Director and the candidate/student may be placed on Academic Intervention.

  • First Offence Penalty: Supervisors/coursework lecturers will undertake the following actions:
    • provide a written warning to the candidate/student;
    • provide additional counselling or tutoring if required;
    • resubmission or revision of the assessment item in relation to which misconduct occurred by a specified date. If the candidate/student was aware they were committing plagiarism, they may be allowed to rewrite the assessment for a chance to receive no more than 50% of the mark on the assessment component where misconduct was evident;
    • depending on the extent and severity of the case: 0% for the assessment component, or fail the entire subject.
  • Second Offence Penalty: This will be reported to the Program Director and recorded on the NICE Academic Misconduct Register. Depending on the severity of the academic misconduct, this may include:
    • a requirement for the candidate/student to receive counselling or tutoring;
    • candidate/student receives 0% to 50% of mark, on the assessment component where misconduct was evident;
    • the candidate/student may be allowed to write an assessment on a new topic for a chance to receive no more than 50% of the mark, on the assessment component where misconduct was evident;
    • failure in the entire subject or research project;
    • suspension for one or two semesters;
    • exclusion from the Institute.
  • Third Offence Penalty: This should be reported by the Program Director to the Institute Principal and recorded on the NICE Academic Misconduct Register. Depending on the severity of the academic misconduct, this may include:
    • failure in the entire subject or research project,
    • suspension for one or two semesters,
    • exclusion from the Institute.


Exclusion from a Course

It is possible that in certain circumstances a student may be excluded from a course. Please read the Alphacrucis University College Exclusion from a Course or Subject policy to understand more.

Special Provisions and Disabilities Support

The National Institute for Christian Education adopts the policies and approach of its accrediting body, Alphacrucis University College in supporting the participation of students with disabilities. The Institute is committed to ensuring there is accessibility of online (digital) information and resources for all students and staff.

Students with special needs may receive assistance for learning and assessment, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Students seeking adjustments are required to complete the Disability Support Registration form which can be accessed here.

Students applying for special consideration need to provide a statement from a health professional about their disability or illness, which also provides recommendations. Students will then talk with the Principal to discuss issues of accommodation, which will then be submitted to the Student Affairs Committee for approval.

For more information please read the Alphacrucis University College Accessibility and Disability Policy here.

The Moodle online learning platform has a number of features to support students requiring visual and auditory support. Specific information about Moodle and the accessibility options can be found here: https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/Accessibility

For further information concerning any of the above, please contact Student Services at admin@nice.edu.au.