EDU517 Assessment for Deeper Learning

“Deeper Learning” has become a common phrase in education over the last decade. Essentially, the term highlights the goal of meaningful and transferable learning that goes far beyond “teaching for the test”. In Christian schools, this goal extends to learning that reflects Christian discipleship.

In this subject, students are encouraged to be intentional as they design meaningful and purposeful assessment that reflects contemporary research and a biblically-informed worldview. Students will articulate principles of biblically faithful assessment and suggest how those principles can be applied to assessment policy and practice.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU525 Learning Theories and Formational Practice

Beginning with the early ideas of Plato, emerging understandings of learning and the development of knowledge are explored: from the observations and techniques of behaviourism to constructivist and connectivist approaches. Learning theories are considered for their contribution to educational decision-making and practice, and critiqued through a biblical worldview lens. Additionally, the theoretical basis and educational implications of theories of learner diversity are evaluated. Students will engage in classroom-based action research to investigate how insights from one or more learning theories can inform, shape and suggest answers to questions about the impact of their actions and choices on their students’ learning.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU527 Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Education

The aim of this course is to assist teachers and educational leaders to reflect on their worldview assumptions and then consider the implications of education in cross-cultural contexts. This is to be accomplished by exposing them to education systems and educational leadership practices in different cultural or country contexts. This process will include a brief study of theory related to comparative and international education, reflection and discussion, and practical experience of educational leadership in other settings. These other settings may include cross-cultural sites within the student’s country or, preferably, visiting schools in another country.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU531 Directed Reading in Educational Leadership

Educators working in school settings are regularly confronted with problems or difficulties—some of which may seem impossible to solve. This subject provides an opportunity for students to learn the necessary skills involved in systematically searching appropriate literature in order to give clarity to the definition of the problem and to identify potential solutions. In this process, the problem, any possible solutions, and the literature should be considered or critiqued from a biblical perspective. Once possible solutions have been located, the student is guided to writing a practically oriented response to their local-level problem.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU546 Equity and Inclusion: Educating Students with Disability

Students will critically investigate the notion of diversity and inclusion in educational contexts, exploring the moral, legal, and professional imperatives for equity. This subject focuses on learning and teaching practices for students with disability while acknowledging that inclusive school communities are responsive to the educational needs of all, including those with exceptional abilities and students who may be marginalised through ethnicity, refugee status, or emotional/behavioural difficulties. Building on themes and principles from foundational units of study, a biblical perspective will be presented in terms of the creation, fall, and redemption schema as the contour for the biblical narrative and as the context for this exploration of inclusive education.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU551 Perspectives on Teaching Mathematics

In this subject, students will have opportunities to engage with explicit curriculum issues, as well as implicit curriculum that is often nested within the pedagogy that teachers use to deliver the explicit curriculum. As a result, teachers will be enabled to develop curriculum, using pedagogical approaches that will help that will promote a Christian world, and life view for their students. EDU551 is a course that is designed to encourage and inspire teachers of Mathematics, and to provide them with knowledge and skills that are needed to respond to the curriculum that is authentically Christian and engaging for students.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU555 Digital Technology and Education

Education has remained largely unchanged throughout the history of modern schooling. Education may be on the brink of a large-scale paradigm change as a result of the substantial shaping effect of digital technologies on society and culture. The ubiquitous and invasive nature of the World Wide Web in the developed (and developing) world is shaping how these societies understand information, how it is constructed, and how it is communicated. Education, by its very nature, must be affected by this thrust.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU561 Leading Quality Teaching and Learning

This subject provides participants with an understanding of the significant role of leaders in shaping quality teaching. Participants will critique preconceived notions of professional development processes, especially in the area of staff appraisal, through both a biblical worldview and current research. Through this analysis, participants will reflect on their current school practices. In collaboration, participants will consider additional strategies beyond mere appraisal to implement in an action plan in order to support quality teaching. Participants will both model and see the potential of collaboration based on trusting relationships.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU565 Mentoring, Coaching, and Supervising in Educational Contexts

As well as helping to transform the lives of their students, great Christian educators positively impact the lives of pre-service teachers, beginning teachers, and other colleagues. With a focus on instructional coaching practices, this subject is intended for educators who want to further develop their God-given capacity to mentor, coach, and supervise other educators.

While this subject will be helpful to all educators aspiring to influence professional development and growth, it will be particularly relevant for those operating at the Highly Accomplished Teacher and Lead Teacher career stages, as well as those in (or preparing for) a leadership role within Christian schools.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU567 Adults and Professional Learning

This subject investigates and applies theories associated with andragogy and its implications for adult learning. Knowles’ andragogical model will be reviewed and compared with a range of alternative theories and models of adult learning.

This subject provides educational leaders within Christian schooling an opportunity to apply principles associated with adult learning from within a biblical worldview. 

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU572 Community Partnerships in Education

The importance of the various stakeholders in educational communities has been highlighted in recent research. Parents can be conceptualised as partners in their children's education, and school-community links can be developed to enhance both learning and community. Students can also be seen as stakeholders in their own learning whose insights could influence both research and practice. This subject evaluates current understandings of community in the school setting and explores the application of Christian worldview perspectives to stakeholder relationships in Christian school communities.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU574 The Social and Historical Context of Christian Schooling

This subject is designed as an investigation into the history and philosophy that underpins Christian education. If we do not spend time investigating the reason for Christian schooling, and to learn from our history, how then ought we be guided for the future?

The purpose of this subject is to examine the philosophical and historical roots and context of Christian schooling in Australia, so that students of this subject may be better equipped to fulfil their task in the Christian school.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU576 Reforming Leadership: Overseeing Change and Continuity

Leaders have the dual responsibility to maintain the foundational vision of a school while overseeing mandated and desired change. The term ‘reforming leadership’ has been used because it has connotations with both continuity and change. Christian reformers made changes by going back to foundations. This subject helps the leader and aspiring leader affirm the foundational vision of the school; identify the school culture and practices that either support or hinder this vision; and initiate vision congruent change. Leaders will be assisted in appreciating the important aspects of worldview and meaning held by various people involved in educational change.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU579 Critical Evaluation of Professional Learning

This subject offers students opportunities to appraise professional learning events through the lens of a biblical worldview in order to enhance educational theory and practice particularly within Christian schooling.

Students will use a range of common worldview diagnostic tools to engage with and use to critically appraise professional learning events or activities such as conferences or other formal adult learning in relation to schooling.

For more information see the Subject Overview.

EDU595 Research Methods in Education

Research Methods in Education explores the foundation of research methods in an education setting. Positioning research in terms of our participation in God’s purposes through systematically searching for, and revealing His presence in and around us, students explore a range of different research paradigms and methodological approaches such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed research, including the methods they employ. As a pre-requisite to all capstone research subjects, students will build an actionable research proposal, applying the breadth of research method principles to their learning. This subject provides a solid basis for the future practice of research in education whether in capstone subjects or beyond.

For more information see the Subject Overview.